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Portrait and Facial Sculpture

10 Week Class | Available

Adult: All Levels
10:00 AM-1:00 PM on Sat
$660.00 CAD

Portrait and Facial Sculpture

10 Week Class | Available

This course is for those who wish to gain a stronger understanding of the human head and facial features. We will be focusing on the portrait, working from a life model. We will use a step-by-step classical approach, looking closely at proportions, structure and anatomy. We will learn to simplify complex forms into basic and then into more refined planes, learning how to capture the likeness of a person.

Suitable for all levels of experience.

Base Tuition: $480 + Model Fee: $120 + Material Fee: $60 = $660 Total

  • What You Will Learn:
    - Head proportions
    - Breaking down the human head into structural planes
    - Overview of facial anatomy related to facial expressions
    - In-depth study of the facial features
    - Sculpting various facial expressions
    - Sculpting the portrait
  • All materials are provided and covered by the Materials Fee.
  • Students may wish to bring an apron and their own tools. TSA has a large selection of tools to provide to students to use in class!

    Materials Reference List
Jacot, Florian
Florian Jacot

Florian is a visual artist who has been teaching at the Toronto School of Art since 2009. As well as instructing at TSA, Jacot has been teaching figure sculpture, artistic anatomy, and figurative drawing and painting since 2004 at such schools as Max the Mutt Animation School, Artist 25 Studio, Centennial College and Sheridan College. Jacot works traditionally in fine arts and does freelance work digitally for the film and gaming industries. His work has been exhibited on several occasions in shows and galleries. In 1999, he received an award from The Sculpture Society of Canada for two of his sculptures. 2008 Digital Animation Diploma, Centennial College, Toronto 2001 Classical Animation Diploma , Classical Figurative Drawing and Painting, ARC Accredited Atelier, Max the Mutt Animation Inc, Toronto 1999 Academy of Realist Art (Michael John Angel Studio), Toronto 1999 Art Diploma, Interdisciplinary Art Program, Art Centre of Central Technical School, Toronto 1995 Post-Secondary Diploma, Preparatory Program for Medical Careers, & aux formations, Switzerland.