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Abstracting Reality

10 Week Class | Available

Adult: All Levels
2:00 PM-5:00 PM on Th
$490.00 CAD

Abstracting Reality

10 Week Class | Available

This course introduces a process based painting practice, exploring issues of: space and shape; colour and composition; mark making and pattern; and personal expression. Structured exercises will explore different strategies for beginning each project and students will work on multiple paintings at once. Class projects include both observational and conceptual approaches. Each project will be supported by relevant presentations of contemporary abstract painting.

Note: Some painting experience is recommended.

Base Tuition: $480 + Material Fee: $10 = $490 Total

  • What You Will Learn:
    - How to develop ideas through process
    - The relationship of colour to composition
    - To learn to break down visual information into abstract components
Eleen, Martha
Martha Eleen

Martha, a Toronto-based painter, has been teaching painting and drawing at Toronto School of Art since 2004. Martha’s paintings are represented in the permanent collection of the Art Gallery of Ontario, and have been exhibited in public galleries in Canada, the US, Mexico and Japan.