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Figurative Animal Sculpture: Form & Spirit

5 Day Workshop | This course is completed

Adult: Introduction to Intermediate
July 24, 2023-August 11, 2023
10:00 AM-1:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri
$340.00 CAD

Figurative Animal Sculpture: Form & Spirit

5 Day Workshop | This course is completed

This intensive will introduce students to animal figurative sculpture. The goal of this class is to gain an understanding of the skeletal structure and muscular anatomy in relation to creating a narrative through gesture. Through the process of building a wire armature maquette in oil based clay, students will further explore their understanding of their design by enlarging it from a 5-inch maquette to a 10-inch sculpture. 

This course will focus on close visual observation - training different modes of perception to help analyze and sculpt an animal with focus on the visual impact of gesture and its forms. Practical demonstrations will be given with special focus on understanding to best capture forms through gesture and understanding the spirit of the animal’s pose. 

The class is open to sculptors of all levels as well as Artists that want to learn more about anatomy and the figure in 3D. No previous experience required.

Base Tuition: $280 + Materials Fee: $60 = $340 Total

  • What You Will Learn:

    - The basic animal anatomy with focus on skeletal structure & muscular structure and how these realities constitute a recognizable form  

    - How to source effective reference material to gain visual context of the animal in various forms such as in motion, still and historical  

    - Hand molding methods to capture the animal form

    -To understand how we can depart from the anatomical correctness of form through a narrative of exaggerated gesture via hand modeling methods 

    - Students will be encouraged to create multiple figures (maquettes) in various gestures to allow for conversations and dialogues to exist between two animals and a group 

    - To understand how to maintain their maquette gestural composition changes with the enlarging process 

Salazar, David
David Salazar

David is a Toronto-based sculptor with a Master in Fine Arts degree from OCAD University. His research focuses on the double intended messages in traditional fable stories. The allegories in his work invite the viewer to reflect on the human experience through traditional animal-based narrative. Salazar’s studio practice is highly focused on the tradition of hand modeling clay and the fabrication process of casting in bronze, resin, or ceramic. His public commissions include Carnival, Rio de Janeiro (2012) and the Spadina Museum, Nuit Blanche, Toronto (2015). In 2015, he was commissioned by First Capital Realty Inc. for two permanent public art sculptures in Georgetown, Ontario. Salazar is currently working on Hogtown, a public art commission to be installed in Toronto’s west end neighborhood Parkdale.