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Creating Comics

4 Day Workshop | This course has been canceled

Youth: Introduction-Intermediate
July 24, 2023-July 27, 2023
10:00 AM-3:00 PM on Mon Tue Wed Th
$335.00 CAD

Creating Comics

4 Day Workshop | This course has been canceled

This workshop is a great choice for youth (11-17 years) with an interest in creating comics and characters.   

Learn how to tell stories with the pictographic language of comics. Students will develop and refine their characters and layout skills, exploring exercises that cover the basics of one panel, four panel and full page comics. Come and join us as we have fun creating comics.

Base Tuition: $335

  • What You Will Learn: 
    - Learn about story telling using comics as the medium
    - Develop characters
    - Learn about layout skills

  • Have FUN!
  • Paper (or digital if you have it)
  • Pens, pencils HB, 5H(or light pencil)
  • Ruler
  • Eraser
Enzo Avolio
Enzo Avolio

Enzo has been working in Animation and the Arts for over 31 years, including 15 years teaching Character Design in the BA Animation program at Sheridan College in Oakville. He has television credits for both Disney and Warner Bros. and he joins TSA as an instructor in Character Design, Drawing for Animation and Comics for Youth courses. Enzo’s goal is always to equip and encourage students in growing their imaginations with a spirit of fun and honesty fully expressed.