Overhead Crane Operator Safety - Course 700
Institute-Milwaukee, WI | This program has been canceled
This course is geared for the crane operator and the supervisory personnel responsible for the daily operation and safe performance of cranes. The course covers major crane components, safe operating practices, daily checklists, communications, and operator inspections
per OSHA, documentation requirements, and hands on demonstrations. Each participant will have the opportunity to perform an actual pre-operation inspection that is required by OSHA.
- • Identify and explain the function of all major crane components and
- assemblies
- • Define the minimum qualifications and requirements of a crane
- operator
- • Perform and document the daily crane inspection procedure required
- by OSHA
- • Understand the four rules of safe and proficient crane operation
- • Perform precise spotting of loads and make precision lifts
- • Become familiar with the proper techniques to minimize load swing
- • Explain and practice all recommended hand signals
- • Understand the basic rigging procedures to attach a load to the hook
- • Understand the requirements of crane operators per OSHA 1910.179
- • What is an Overhead Crane?
- • Crane Operator Quali?cations
- • Know the cranes you operate
- • Practical instruction at a crane; Conducting a daily operator
- inspection
- • Safe and productive lifting techniques•Safety – The Do’s and Don’ts
- of Hoisting
- • Crane Operating Hand Signals – ANSI Standards
- • OSHA Safety requirements on handling loads – 1910.179
- • Final Review