Safety 1st Defensive Driving

Safety 1st Defensive Driving

Class | Available

505 Broadway Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 United States
Library Presentation Room
6:00 PM-9:00 PM on Th Fri

Safety 1st Defensive Driving

Class | Available

The New York State Point and Insurance Reduction Program (6 Hour Defensive Driving Course) has many benefits, including discounts on your automobile insurance if you are the principal operator assigned to a vehicle on an insurance policy, point reduction from your driver’s license, and learning safe driving techniques, Sponsored by American Safety Inc. You must attend full six hours for certification. Please bring your driver's license.

  • Both classes must be taken together in order to receive certification.

    **A $12.00 supply fee is due in cash or check to the instructor at the first session. **

Mary Ann DeToma

Mary Ann DeToma holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from Empire State College, a New York State Property and Casualty Insurance Broker’s License, as well as various insurance certificates. Mary Ann is a New York State Certified (6 hour) Defensive Driving instructor and sole Proprietor of Safety1st Defensive Driving.