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Autumn Colours: Still Life Painting

1 Day Workshop | Available

Adult: All Levels
October 27, 2024 (one day)
10:00 AM-3:00 PM on Sun
$125.00 CAD

Autumn Colours: Still Life Painting

1 Day Workshop | Available

During this workshop, students will get the day to paint from a dynamic still life arrangement filled with pumpkins, gourds, colourful corn, and objects of striking warm fall colours. The workshop will touch upon the key building blocks of creating a successful still life painting: from sketching out main shapes and adjusting proportion, to blocking in colour and rendering shadows and highlights. Students will create one "alla-prima" still life painting (oil or acrylic on canvas or panel) during the workshop.

Base Tuition: $120 + Material Fee: $5 = $125 Total

  • What You Will Learn:
    - How to start painting from a still life: sketching and blocking in colour
    - Key components of painting from a still life; rendering shadows and highlights, colour mixing, and adding dimension
    - How to create comprehensible tonal variation from a still life of similar colours (Autumn still life will be made up of primarily vibrant warm tones)
    - How to set up a dynamic still life; lighting, object orientation, playing with the colour theory of arrangements
  • - A medium sized, pre-gessoed canvas or panel (18" x 20" or smaller - feel free to bring more canvases if you like to experiment)
    - Paint brushes
    - Palette (or any non-absorbant surface to paint on)
    - Oil or Acrylic paint colours: Titanium white, burnt umber, paynes gray, sap green, phthalo green, alizarin crimson, and a red, yellow and blue (no specific type needed for last three)
    Note If painting in oil, pebeo 'bright blue' oil paint is recommended for painting highlights!
Joyce, Emily
Emily Joyce

Emily is a Toronto-based painter and paintings conservator. She specializes in the study of paint materials, from traditional egg tempera and oil paints to contemporary acrylics and mediums. The crossover of art and science in her profession has allowed her an in-depth exploration of the history and techniques of painters from a range of historical time periods such as the Renaissance, Impressionism and Pop Art. These studies have inspired her classes and workshops at the TSA. Emily has a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) with a minor in art History and a Master's of Art Conservation (Queen’s University), as well as a certificate in Traditional Materials, Methods of Painting and Restoration techniques through San Gemini Preservation Studies in Italy. Outside of the TSA, Emily works at Toronto Art Restoration in the west end, conserving a range of artworks from Tom Thomson landscapes to Michael Snow's Eaton Centre’s Geese.